Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chinbayar Proj 2 ( Grub n Check)

For Project number 2, I had an idea of making an app which provides recipe for drinks, but since other students picked the same one. I decided to change.

I want to make an app which helps users to waste less food and make the best out of worst basically. Some people have some things in their refrigerator  and dont know what to do with it, OR they forget what they bough for grocery a while ago and found rotten, bad or expired things in their refrigerator.

Describe the Challenge:

An app that helps people to keep track of what they bought for grocery, and save some money by wasting food. 

Who is the target audience:

This app would be helpful basically everybody. For example: young adults, many young adults dont know how to cook, or they dont know how to cook variety of dishes. Instead they tend to eat out, and spend at least twice as much money they could have spent on buying grocery and dine in. Therefore, this app will help people to cook variety of dishes.
For old people: forgetting what they bought is common, sometimes cabinet full of canned goods which no idea when were they purchased and what they can do with them. So this app will keep track of expiration date and whats left from last grocery shopping and what you can do with it. 
I think this app is helpful for every adult.

What does the audience think about the brand or group?:

Anyone who is trying to save money on food, and trying out new dishes that can be made at home using what they have already.

What would we like the target to think and feel?:

I want the target audience to think " Hey, this is a great idea. I can save so much money and i can learn to cook new dish"

what media will be best facilitate our goal?

I think this will be a best for mobile app, because phone is easy to carry around. ( because people would check grocery list, recipes, and what they have in fridge)

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