Monday, February 11, 2013

Harris - Social Media Campaign

Describe the challenge.
Create a mobile outlet for creating “kandi” cuffs. Kandi is a type of jewelry generally make with elastic string and pony beads. The goal in Kandi Maker is to have a way to make kandi cuffs from patterns and not be stuck behind a computer screen. Using the App of Kandi Maker would allow people to have the ability to make kandi cuffs from a pattern anywhere at anytime. Users of the app will be able to create custom kandi cuff patterns with their device, upload and share them. They can also find patterns uploaded by other users.

Who is the target audience?
The target audience is creative people. This App is not limited to an age or gender since males and females can be found wearing kandi. However, this app would most likely be used by girls high school–aged through college.

What does the audience currently think about the brand or group?
The audience has a great like for kandi. Kandi’s popularity has been on the rise over the past few years. Kandi-wearers are loyal to the craft and are always looking for new and convenient ways to make this type of jewelry.

What would we like the target to think and feel?
Kandi Maker is the go-to for making kandi when the user does not want to be stuck behind a computer screen. One can make kandi outside at the park, in a waiting room at the doctor’s office or even in the car if they so choose. Kandi Maker is an easy way to make kandi anytime, anywhere.

Which facts, evidence or thoughts will assist in this change of thinking?
The ability to create your own kandi patterns, upload and share them, or borrow from others to make the cuffs anywhere, anytime.

What is the brand essence?
Fun, convenient, creative and simple.

What is the key emotion that will build a relationship with the core audience?

The emotion to build up with the core audience is to be driven to be conveniently creative. Making kandi cuffs can be a long process but can be worth it in the end if it was done well.

What media will best facilitate our goal?
A mobile App will facilitate. A Facebook page or Twitter can also be created to showcase different kandi ideas and updates to the App. A Foursquare page might be effective for Kandi Maker to show where people are making kandi cuffs.

What are the most critical elements?
The most critical elements are that users can use Kandi Maker to create kandi patters upload and share them, or borrow from others to make the cuffs anywhere, anytime. This app is about having fun and seeing what else is out there that can add to the user’s creativity.

What is the single most important takeaway?
Kandi Maker is a simple and convenient way to help users make kandi cuffs.

What do we want the audience to do?
The audience should create, upload and share kandi patterns on Kandi Maker. Users can make kandi cuffs anywhere, anytime and they can use the App to help them do so.

Examples of kandi cuffs:

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