Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mallory Jeanmougin Ch 13-15

The part of the reading that stuck out the most to me was the section on Unconventional Advertising.  We are bombarded hundreds of times a day with advertisements, most of which we push aside.  There was a statistic that came out a while ago saying that because we are constantly ambushed with so many advertisements a day, only a certain percentage are even given any attention, and the rest, even though we may observe them, the information is pushed out of our minds and given no attention.  This ability to turn away from an advertisement can be damaging to the advertisers work.  However, this really only comes into play when the medium the advertisement is using is commonplace.  We see hundreds of 30 second long commercials scroll across the television every day.  The internet, magazines, bus stops, etc, are flooded with advertisements.  These are things in which we experience every day, and do not necessarily force us to stop and think.

When you force the audience to think, that is when you get the most important reaction, attention.  When something is out of the ordinary, people notice, and when people notice, they pay closer attention to what it is and why it is out of the ordinary.  This is the advantage of placing advertisements in unconventional locations.

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