Monday, February 11, 2013

Study Abroad App- Melissa Granahan

Describe the challenge.
Create a mobile outlet for creating a study abroad app.  The app will be called "AllAbroad" and will connect you to your study abroad group with their info, cheap travel packages, maps locating where the university and home stay is, a schedule for trip abroad, and a few more things that I am still working out.

Who is the target audience?
The target audience is students studying abroad.

What does the audience currently think about the brand or group?
The audience already mainly thinks highly about studying abroad and it is a popular thing to do especially at the college level.

What would we like the target to think and feel?
I would like for the audience to think this app is useful and can help organize their trip, socially connect them to people in their program, help to budget their trip, and to find out about new experiences they may not have known about.

Which facts, evidence or thoughts will assist in this change of thinking?
The ability to stay organized, learn, and find use out of this application

What is the brand essence?
useful, fun, easy

What is the key emotion that will build a relationship with the core audience?

The emotion to build up with the core audience is to be satisfied and feel like they are making the best use of their time abroad. 

What media will best facilitate our goal?
A mobile App will facilitate a google maps connection as well as facebook to find people in their program, connections to study abroad travel programs as well as hostelworld and airlines and local restaurants that want to hop on board
What are the most critical elements?
The most critical elements are that the user can stay connected and informed during their trip as well as explore new territory safely and easily.

What is the single most important takeaway?
convenience and security

What do we want the audience to do?
The audience should  download the app and get connected before their trip abroad.

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