Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fane Spoof 2


  1. Love the simplicity of these, you are really capturing the aesthetic of twitter. I see the word "creep" and automatically think of that Lonely Island song. Perhaps instead of the word "creep" you could add "do the creep" as another layer of humor for this composition.

  2. It would interesting to see Chelsea's suggestion! You have definitely nailed the twitter look for your spoof, and it looks fantastic! Try adding more content or possibly making a series of different ads like above. Since they are so simple (yet so effective), I think it would be fun to have more and make it into a set!

  3. I think these are great spoofs! A couple suggestions would be to make the binocular logo blue to emulate the tweet birdie and also to make the logo in the second one a little smaller. I also think it would be a cool idea to create a fake webpage or webshot of a "creepy" twitter page that seems like an account is stalking a possible ex or something. I don't know, just spitballing here. Other than that, I think it's awesome.
