Monday, January 14, 2013

Ruppel reading 2

Chapter 7 separates and talks about different approaches that copywriters and designers use when creating ads. There are so many different approaches that play into the creative process such as; demonstration, comparison, spokesperson, endorsement, testimonial, storytelling, slice of life, etc. Each approach has a different way of conveying a message about the product to a viewer. Some are humorous, some are realistic, but almost all of them are effective. The ad that stuck out to me the most in chapter 7 was Sony’s ad “Hand”. This ad is so simple, yet displays the perfect image to show viewers how small their product truly is. This ad is placed under the “demonstration” approach because the compactness of the product is a key factor the company wants to display.

The next chapter is all about using typography in ads, a very important factor in communication. Choosing the right typeface is crucial; you need a type that works well with the ad, does not distract or overwhelm the viewer, and also it needs to flow with the rest of the image. My favorite images in this chapter are the Art Walk posters designed by multiple artists. Each print displays a successful and fun approach of an informational poster. I think these catch my eye because they display a very artistic and beautiful side of advertising.

Chapter 9 is about the process of constructing the composition of an ad, something all artists and designers have to consider. Finding the right amount of balance, rhythm, scale, spatial depth, and relationships to other objects is only part of the checklist made for composing a composition. My favorite ad within this chapter is the Vespa ad; it displays a very minimalistic approach that still attracts a viewer. Focusing and displaying a specific part of the Vespa itself, with a catchy punch line in a small and simple typeface is what works so well for this ad.

The image I present is a poster created by Swiss designer and typographer Ludovic Balland. Although this ad only provides information about a museum, I think the playful and experimental typography really attracts the viewer. It gives off an interesting artistic approach while also relaying important information about the specific museum. 

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